Wake up now – Are you living in the present?

Hello Amazing Soul,

Have you acknowledged the power, and the magic, of the present moment?

If you’re not really sure what I mean, or if you are struggling with this concept, don’t despair because you are not alone, which is not surprising considering what we put ourselves through each day, and you can take action to live in the present moment more frequently.

Eckhart Tolle, in his book, The Power of Now stated, “Realise deeply that the present moment is all you ever have. Make the Now the primary focus of your life.”

Living in the present moment means focusing on where you are in the present moment. This does not mean eradicating the past and not planning for the future because lessons are learnt from the past and action needs to be taken in the present for the future. To live in the present moment your emotions and thoughts have to be in the present moment.

Every day we have so many thoughts about the past and the future that are often drowning with limiting beliefs, they take us away from living in the present and all the benefits it has.

Living in the present is not about abandoning responsibilities and making irresponsible decisions, forgetting about or running away from the past, it’s about understanding that the only time you have control of is now and learning how to appreciate it.  The past cannot be changed, but you can take control of the now.  The future is not guaranteed, but you are here now.

By letting go of the past, not dwelling on past experiences and by keeping the future in perspective you can live in the present.  The past and the future act as tools for living in the present.

Living in the present has become a way of life for me, although some days I have to work on it a bit harder. I know this lifestyle increases happiness, helps with anxiety and stress, connects you with yourself and your surroundings, helps with pain management, helps deal with negative emotions, grounds you, enables you to achieve more, and many other benefits.

Living in the present, (for the majority of the time,) can become a way of life for you, if you are prepared to commit to it by putting in the time and effort and by being consistent.  The more you consciously practice living in the present, the more natural it will become and your life becomes more magical.

Ways to help you in your quest for living in the present include journaling, breathing exercises, yoga, meditation, taking mindful walks etc – the key here is to focus your attention.  As these practices become more familiar to you, you will find it easier to live in the present moment in your daily activities.

If your present moment is a struggle and chaotic, try practicing surrender.  It is important to forgive yourself for not being at peace with your current situation, thoughts and emotions.  If you can come to terms with not being at peace and accept it, the non-peace will transmute into peace.

When I first consciously started practicing living in the present I noticed dramatic positive shifts in my life and the lives of those around me.  I also realised that if I had adopted this practice sooner I could have cut out years of pain and found my life purpose quicker. 

I can honestly say I now love my life and it is not because I’m obscenely wealthy, am worry free,  or my loved ones are in perfect health etc – it is because I have consciously chosen to live in the present. By living in the present my life is much more fulfilling and I achieve so much more – including things that could have been done before, had I been living in the present.  When challenges appear they don’t appear so daunting and they usually get resolved much more smoothly and quicker.  Living in the present helped me accept and get clarity on my life purpose of helping others, which in itself is so liberating and, it has also helped me immensely on my spiritual journey.

You too can truly love your life. I want you to wake every day, feeling happy and being the best version of you. No matter what your situation, you will benefit from living in the present.

It is time for us all to free ourselves from the chains of our past and embrace living in the present moment.

Don’t be shy, drop a comment below, follow me on social media, drop me an email, or subscribe.

Love and Light – Nicola

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Nicola Dunsford
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