Lead from your soul

Hello Amazing Soul,

With all the madness that seems to be going on in this beautiful world, I felt the need to write about your soul and your ego. There seems to be a lot of ego going on out there, which isn’t doing us, or our planet – our home – any good.  Before I elaborate let’s dive in with a brief explanation of what your soul and ego are.

Your soul is who you truly are at your core.  It is the energy that is the authentic you, and it knows what you need.

Your ego evolves from the belief systems you hold which create who you perceive yourself to be and it is the mask you wear.

Everybody is born with a soul. Often the ego is left unchecked and the soul is not nourished, which prevents you from living a fulfilled life – the life you are meant to.

This occurs because every day we have between 50,000 to 80,000 thoughts – no wonder it’s hard for many to stay focused for sustained periods of time, achieve their goals or live fulfilling lives.

With all these thoughts, many of which you will be unaware of, the ego rises and since it lives off fear, it controls us through fear. Your ego creates negativity about any situation if allowed, even with situations that will lead you to a more rewarding and fulfilling life.  For example, if you are thinking about changing jobs your ego tells you you aren’t good enough, not qualified enough, everyone is better than you, you are too old, you aren’t pretty enough, you aren’t tall enough, etc.  With all this negativity going on, it’s hardly surprising you don’t change jobs.  But, if you step back a moment, you will realise that most of these thoughts are totally irrational.

Your ego, if allowed, can control your whole life – relationships, lifestyle, career, family, etc. It will make you worry unnecessarily about the future, it will make you doubt yourself, it will tell you you are unworthy, it will keep you, either living in the past or too deeply in the future, which means you will not be living in the present, which is where you are, and it will lead you to making bad choices for yourself and for others.

Every time you give in to your ego you are reinforcing whatever beliefs are holding you back and giving your ego more momentum and more power and control over you and your life.  An overactive ego leads to exhaustion mentally, physically, and emotionally and it continuously challenges your soul.  It creates anxiety, stress 

Since your soul is who you really are it knows what your purpose here is and what is best for you.  When you lead from your soul, you live your life as the authentic you, which goes far beyond the labels we identify ourselves with. Your soul is your spiritual nature and will guide you and is always focused on your best interests.  It is strong, courageous, lives and breathes love, accepts responsibility, and determines your morals.

When you connect with your soul you find an indescribable inner peace, that I recommend for all.  That inner peace gives you direction, helps you cope with challenges, helps you avoid negative situations, and enables you to live a fulfilled life.

There are various signs to look out for to determine if your ego is controlling your life, or if you are leading from your soul.

When your ego has control, your focus is on worry, anxiety, self-doubt, self-criticism and what other people think of you and you need the validation of others.  You will find you have more and enhanced, low vibrational emotions such as pain, disappointment, anger, hurt, etc., and your feelings will get easily hurt if things don’t go the way you intended.  The ego also makes you look for external factors to establish your worth.

“The ego doesn’t know that the source of all energy is within you, so it seeks it outside.”

– Eckhart Tolle –

When you lead from your soul you love and accept yourself for who you truly are and know that you are connected to something bigger and want to connect with it.  You know what your life’s purpose is and will follow it from your heart.  You will be passionate about goals but your daily happiness will not depend on them.  Your perception of life changes and the things you like/desire will originate from your heart, as opposed to the influences and expectations of others and society in general.  Leading from your soul enables you to be more forgiving, more compassionate, and less judgemental of others and situations.  When you allow yourself to lead from your soul, your intuition ignites.  This intuition is your soul guiding you.  You will have the empowerment to follow your life’s purpose and your life will flow more smoothly.

Although there are numerous reasons why the ego can take control of your life, one huge contributing factor is this obsession with ‘needing’ more stuff and our lack of self-responsibility.  We have been indoctrinated to believe that we need more and more and, often, without realising it, we try to keep up with society, which inevitably creates more waste and pollution, etc.

All this ‘need,’ that we have become addicted to, is not helped by the obscenely wealthy – the people that are able to influence governments – those who think it’s a great idea to have a space travel game in the name of saving the planet.  What does this teach society?  The message that sends out is, ‘if you break something, just move on to something else.’  I was relieved to hear Prince William share his feelings on this.

Then there are those who think nothing about spending $400.000,000 on a 4th yacht when their countries are in a humanitarian crisis.

Then there are the world leaders who fail to change direction for the greater good because they are basically allowing themselves to be used as puppets by someone with an even bigger ego.

Then there are those influencers who only show the ‘shiny’ side of their life, or fake what their life is really like, or flouted covid rules, whilst their followers were sacrificing so much.  The influencers have a responsibility to encourage more soul-based activities and promote things that really matter in life and set a moral standard.  They put immense pressure on an already fractured society and yet they have the ability to do so much good.

I urge those that fall into these categories to look within and start leading from your soul.

We can’t control the actions of others, but we can take control of our lives by leading from our souls.  A fundamental ingredient for connecting with your soul is learning how to be still and quiet.  By limiting the type of news and social media you read and follow you will be able to connect with your soul more easily.  Connecting with your soul can be achieved through various methods including meditation, mindfulness, living in the present, journaling, observing your thoughts and reactions, yoga, affirmations, gratitude, dealing with the past, and spending time in nature.

Living your life whilst leading from our soul enables you to be fulfilled and live life like you are meant to.  We need a world where the majority of us lead from our souls.

Are you ready to be guided by your soul?

Don’t be shy, drop a comment below, follow me on social media, drop me an email, or subscribe.

Love and light,


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